Bristol: a city of nearly 300 ethnicities

 THE population of Bristol has grown by over 10 percent in the last decade according to figures from the latest census.

The number of people calling the city home has risen by over 44,000 to 472,500. This is higher than the overall increase for England and Wales (6.6 percent), where the population grew by nearly 3.5 million to 59,597,500.

The city is now made up of more than 287 ethnic groups, with almost 19 percent of the population born outside of the UK. There are more than 90 languages spoken throughout the city, and more than 45 religions represented, although more than half (51 percent) of people do not consider themselves to be religious. This is the third highest proportion out of all local authorities in England.

The census – which took place last year – is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) every 10 years and gives a snapshot of all the people and households in England and Wales. Census Day was on 21 March 2021.

Mayor Marvin Rees said: “We are very proud to have such a diverse city with almost 300 ethnic identities represented, and as a City of Sanctuary we remain committed to offering a warm welcome and a place of safety for anyone who needs it.

“There is still plenty that we will continue to do and we remain committed to building a city of hope and ambition, where everyone is welcome and able to thrive.”

Other key facts from the latest census include:

Bristol has a relatively young population with more children than people over 65.

The median age of people living in Bristol is 32.4 (compared to 40.3 in England and Wales). There are 191,600 households in the city, up by 4.9 percent (8,900 homes) since 2011. 26.7 percent of households have dependent children (51,100). Almost 9,500 veterans make up 2.4 percent of the population over 16.

The census asks questions about individuals, their households and home. In doing so, it helps to build a detailed snapshot of our society. Information from the census helps the government and local authorities to plan and fund local services, such as education, healthcare and roads.

ONS are publishing the data in batches because there is so much information. The aim is to publish the main data within two years of the census date. When new data becomes available, it will be published on Bristol City Council’s Census Dashboard