‘We aim for perfection every day’

The Green Door Nursery in St Andrews has again been judged Good in all areas by Ofsted.

The day nursery in Belvoir Road has been rated Good in every inspection since it opened in 1993.

Registered manager Carla Freeman said: “We are very pleased with the report and consider it our best to date with significant praise of practice cited by the inspector. We came very close to achieving the elusive Outstanding grade and are keenly waiting another opportunity to impress at the next inspection.

“Everyone at the nursery worked exceptionally hard to make sure everything was in place for the inspection to go well on the day. A big thank you to our nursery parents for their support of our practice and to all staff at the nursery for their efforts each and every day.

“An inspection is such a huge event for any nursery that aims for perfection within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – as we do at The Green Door. The statutory framework is a constant in all our work with the children and we treat every day as if it were an inspection.”

Ms Freeman added she was pleased that the nursery’s high standards had been recognised and said the positive comments in the report emphasised the strength of the provision.

The Green Door nursery has 43 children on roll. It was inspected in January by Sarah Peacock from Ofsted.

Among highlights of her report were:

“The highly-motivated manager and her team are committed to providing high quality care and learning experiences for children.” 

“Children learn to behave well and they develop good social skills. Staff use their high-quality training well to help children to recognise and manage their feelings and behaviour.” 

“Children who have special educational needs (SEND) and disadvantaged children are exceptionally well supported, and any gaps in their learning swiftly close.” 

“Partnerships with parents are positive and contribute to high levels of continuity in children’s care routines. Parents comment that they enjoy receiving updates from staff during daily conversations and through regular electronic communication.”